HOT Black 250ml
HOT Black 250ml
Hot! Black will offer the ultimate bronzing results in the Aloe Collection. This lotion is ideal for those looking for deep, developed results.
- The unique Black bronzer blend combines moisturisers with Caramel, Black Walnut and Melanin, as well as a generous dose of DHA. Together these ingredients provide an instant sunkiss, with deeper, developed even colour that lasts for days.
- DermaDark has also been added to encourage deeper, natural colour development well after your tanning session.
- Sincere Skincare combines Arugula, Mangosteen, Velvet Bean and Quercetin for deep hydration. What's more, these work to stimulate melanogenises, maximising melanin production. These also provide skin with rich antioxidants, for a strong tanning canvas.
- The industry exclusive ActivAloe base provides tanners with 200x concentrated pharmaceutical and food grade Aloe. This works to heal, soothe and alleviate dry skin, for longer-lasting, even results.
- This also contains an upgraded Biosine Complex to soften and hydrate for maximum tanning results.
- FadeDefy technology harnesses Kakadu Plum - the world's richest source of vitamin C. This is combined with Shea Butter to moisturise and thus extend the life of your tan.
- Tea Tree Oil has natural, odour-fighting properties and works to combat After Tanning Odours.
- Classic CocoaDreams fragrance
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